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 0  #61
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 11/10/2013 18:48
Post(s): 4248
Bon, j'ai longuement cherché puis abandonné et triché.
Et j'ai bien fait parce que je ne connais même pas ce groupe 😞

Contribution le : 24/02/2014 17:18

 0  #62
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/10/2008 11:32
Post(s): 521
Björk – Hyperballad

Fuck the earth, if I die here my testament:
Place ashes in the mouth of all our opponents
Veer kick front kick falsities come to collect
I want flowers and kids, my death serve their future
Perhaps they will understand the meaning of sacrifice
The difference between the values, and then the fireworks
I know that cry and why
You are welcome, there will not be reached
Just people in the street
The tabloids will have only smicard and undocumented
Poorly cut suits, even if the guys wanted to dress well
Here lies Claude ... Initial MC
A little who wanted someone else's life is like poetry
And especially will not believe What will ten thousand girls
I say this for my family, I was not a spin
I was thrown from the earth, some flowers are deposited

EDIT: j'aurais peut être du attendre confirmation avant de relancer:p ?

Contribution le : 04/03/2014 18:26

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