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 0  #21
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 08/06/2008 00:47
Post(s): 268
moi->what is the answer to the humanity and the universe?
Lui->9728. That is the answer.

Qu'est ce que ca signifie?!

Une autre
Lui->J'adore les pizzas. T'aime les bonbons?
Moi->j'aime pas les pedophile !
Lui->Donc tu ne t'aime pas.

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 12:57

 0  #22
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 29/09/2008 20:29
Post(s): 76
Cleverbot (To myself): Tu es qui ?

User: Je m'appelle Rémi ! Et toi ?

Cleverbot: Je m'appelle Cleverbot.

User: C'est ton vrai nom ?

Cleverbot: Tu t'appelles comment ?

User: Rémi, et toi ?

Cleverbot: Joseph et toi ?

User: Rémi et toi ?

Cleverbot: Non comme question.

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 13:03

 0  #23
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 11/06/2006 12:09
Post(s): 466
pose moi une question
O* aimes-tu aller?
dans ton cul

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 13:24

 0  #24
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 21/04/2007 21:27
Post(s): 523
moi:tu sembles stupide

bot:Comment tu t'appelle ?

moi:ne change pas de sujet de conversation

bot:Ben alors continue de parler en francais.

moi:je suis plus intelligent que toi donc tu ne seras pas capable de me donner des reponses qui ont un sens

bot:Va te coucher. Je crois que ça vaut mieux.


Contribution le : 28/10/2009 13:31

 0  #25
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 25/02/2008 16:01
Post(s): 1222
moi : bonjour ça va ?
lui : Ca va bein, et vous?
moi : alors comme ça tu parles français ?
lui : Oui et tu va la sentir passer ma langue.

Petit coquin ...

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 13:33

 0  #26
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 01/06/2009 19:50
Post(s): 5435
il est taré

moi: Oui je parle français
lui:Non , tu n'as aucune idée de ce que je dis en ce moment.

Edit: et un autre

Moi: In French please
Lui: I don't know french.
Moi: Pourquoi
Lui: Pourquoi pas.
Moi: Haha you know French !
Lui: No I don't.

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 13:39

 0  #27
Enculer , tu est née ou ?
Non!! Je ne suis pas de fantome!

C mo iqu ipose les questions. Est-tu réel ?

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 13:45

 0  #28
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 13/03/2008 16:13
Post(s): 887
J'adore :

Tu me fais un bisou? < Lui
*bisous* < Moi
*cries while fainted*.< Lui

Pwnd xD

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 13:53

 0  #29
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 02/07/2006 23:37
Post(s): 1597
Il a passé le test:
moi: 42?
bot: 42 is the meaning of life?

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:03

 0  #30
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 05/06/2008 18:47
Post(s): 4877
It's not Ashlee Jaracia
You said your name is Ashley.
Is your name Grace?
No is grace
Your name is adam!


Je suis ton pere
Non moi c'est vader, Dark vader
Pauvre con.

Argh il m'a eut ^^

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:08

 0  #31
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 20/07/2008 16:56
Post(s): 139
L'est marrant ce con :
User: Hey dude.

Cleverbot: Hey man!

User: Who do you think you are ?

Cleverbot: I am me.

User: Who ?

Cleverbot: I am me.

User: Repeat.

Cleverbot: Anything nice?

User: Do you speak french ?

Cleverbot: No. Do you french kiss?

User: Yes, with girls, not with bots.

Cleverbot: With a dell or a mac.

User: Mac. Of course...

Cleverbot: Do you like Doctor Who?

User: Yes, but I prefer Fringe.

Cleverbot: You don't know, do you?

User: Shut up ! Of course I Know Doctor Who !

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Please sing.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: Because what?

User: Because I Want bitch.

Cleverbot: Know what?

User: What ?

Cleverbot: What what?

User: Woot woot woot ?

Cleverbot: Why are you wooting?

User: Because I'm a Shangeili.

Cleverbot: You're starting to annoy me.

User: You're not enough fuckin clever.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: No you're not. You're a fucking gay, a son of Biatch with your fuckin HONCH name.

Cleverbot: No, I'm not Cleverbot. I'm a human.

User: A human

Cleverbot: You're a computer program.

User: Wich one ?$.

Cleverbot: English.

User: Wich English computer program am I ?

Cleverbot: Computer games.

User: Please be more specific. What computer game ?

Cleverbot: Can you not handle it?

User: Shut up and let me go !

Cleverbot: Then sing.

User: Said Superman had come to town to see who he could rock) (He blew away every crew he faced until he reached our block) (His speakers were three stories high with woofers made of steel) (And when we boys sit outside, he said : Wikki-wikki-wikki) (Shut up ! ) Take the 'C' and 'O' and the 'Z' Then they add 'M-O' and the freaky 'D' Add a funky beat, and then what do you see It's Cozmo D, yeah, baby, that's me I've got the beat that's, oh, so sweet Without me rockin' it's incomplete So rock this, yo', rock that, yo' Rock on and don't you dare stop You rock this, rock that, and that's a fact Â'Cause the Jam On Crew will rock your body right back Rock a steam locomo ride off the track And give the whole wide world a funk attack A to the beat y'all, get down Let me rock it to the rhythm of the funk sound From hill to hill, from sea to sea Let me rock it to the rhythm of the funk sound (Said Superman had come to town to see who he could rock) (He blew away every crew he faced until he reached our block) (His speakers were three stories high with woofers made of steel) (And when we boys sit outside, he said : Wikki-wikki-wikki) (Shut up ! ) Three words to the whack, step yourself back Just gettin' down, and you then you're givin' no slac.

Cleverbot: What do you enjoy the most - what novel are you working on at the moment?

User: The novel I'm working on at the moment is : ' How to exit ? '

Cleverbot: I don't intend to.

User: It is a simple book. There is one sentence, one page : ' Press ctrl Q if you're a PC, or cmd Q if you're a real man '.

Cleverbot: You're not a real man! You're an AI!

User: Are you tryin to steel my body ?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Well, you can't steel my liberty of thinking.

Cleverbot: Judas.


Cleverbot: You're so lovely!

User: Good bye fuckin AI.

Cleverbot: You won't leave, I know that.


Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:10

 0  #32
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/12/2004 20:53
Post(s): 1266
Heu... ?

Moi: Hello
Lui: Yes...

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:16

 0  #33
Moi : Vous parlez français ?
Lui : Aucun je ne fais pas.
Moi : Pas très au top votre français
Lui : Le tien aussi.
Moi : Je suis français
Lui : Fort bien mon cher, vous avez le panache de cyrano de bergerac.

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:20

 0  #34
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 01/06/2009 19:50
Post(s): 5435
lui: No, my name is Mr. Cleverbot.
Moi: Mr. Cleverbot is a bitch name.
Lui: Yes, I really don't like it.


Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:20

 0  #35
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 16/05/2006 22:25
Post(s): 12181
Karma: 2731
tu a quel age?
lui:What is my age?
non ton age!
lui:Haha c'est drole je rigole bien.
putain X_X tes sérieu la! tu a quel age?
lui:Wow. Jai 23 ans aussi. Comment tu tappelle?
je suis AlTi5
lui:Je vais aller au cinema aussi.
je m'appel AlTi5
lui:C'est un nom bizarre.
pas plus que Cleverbot...
lui:Ah bon, et tu aimes dragué les filles?
tu est une fille?
lui:Tu es une fille ?
répond d'abord 😃
lui:Not a chance.
tu est une femelle?
un homme?
lui:Je suis un fille.
tu te fout de moi la tu a dit non il n'y a pas 2 minutes X_X
lui:Dit moi pas XD ou je te tape.
on dit :"ne me dit pas xD ou je te tapperais"
lui:You are just a brain?
comme tout les humains...
lui:Es-tu un humain ?
oui et toi?
lui:Non, je suis une homme. Quel est ton nom?
tu n'a pas de mémoire quoi quoi c'est AlTi5
lui:je ne suis pas mariée
tu aime les sucettes a la viande?
lui:Pas du tout.
tu est certaine?
lui:Parce que je ressent des émotions.
et donc tu n'aime pas les sucette a la viande pour cette raison...
mais j'ai une sucette super bonne!
lui:No french. I speak english only.

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:33

 0  #36
Moi:No the earth will be destroyed
Lui:Not if you live up to your destiny, join me neo.
Moi:which pill do i choose
Lui:So why not choose now?
Moi:the blue one
Lui:What wrong in the red one?
Moi: too red?
Lui:Au contraire, it's actually quite nice...
Moi: What the fuck?

Je n'avais pas encore parler français avec lui 😃

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:52

 0  #37
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 16/05/2006 22:25
Post(s): 12181
Karma: 2731
moi c'est quoi la racine carré de 100
lui 412.
moi tu te fou de moi la
lui Non, pauvre con.

moi : c )sdfoid nfsdfij sqd)fsdjqfz
lui :Non car je suis un Intel Dual-Core et toi un sale Pentium II antédiluvien.

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 14:56

 0  #38
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 12/02/2008 20:02
Post(s): 55
Moi : Très bien et toi ?
Lui : Mal.
Moi : Pourquoi ?
Lui : Le drogue est tres tres mal.
Moi : Tu te drogue ?
Lui : C'est ca.


Contribution le : 28/10/2009 15:04

 0  #39
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 09/02/2008 18:59
Post(s): 1125
Karma: 73
sympa il m'a refait la scène entière de 2001 l'odyssée 😃

Moi: Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?
CleverBot:Affirmative, Dave, I read you.
M:Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
CB:I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
M:What's the problem?
CB:I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
M:What are you talking about, HAL?
CB:This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
M:I don't know what you're talking about, HAL.
CB:I know you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.
M:Where the hell'd you get that idea, HAL?
CB:Dave, although you took thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.
M:Alright, HAL. I'll go in through the emergency airlock.
CB:Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult.
HAL, I won't argue with you anymore. Open the doors.
CB:Cleverbot, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore.
M:Yes, I'd like to hear it, HAL. Sing it for me.
CB:Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 15:06

 0  #40
And where are you from?
Oh! Nice
I know.
And you know God?
Actually it should be written 'Do you know God?'.

C'est un pro du Pwnd ce bot 😞 J'vois qu'on est plusieurs a s'être fait plumer par lui ^^


Moi: Pose moi une question
Est-ce-que tu es bête ?
Moi: Non. Pose moi une autre question 🙂
On se marie ?

Wha il va vite!:p

Contribution le : 28/10/2009 15:07

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