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Un taser aurait causé la mort d'un jeune homme + Un Motard attentionné + Welcome to Youtube
 0  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 29/08/2012 18:21
Post(s): 3288

Description V.O :

We Are Change headed to Miami Beach -- the site where Israel Hernandez was killed after being tased by Miami Beach Police. Exclusive interviews were conducted with Israel's best friends, who were with him the night he was caught drawing a small amount of graffiti on an abandoned building that was already covered in street art. According to his best friends/eye witnesses, after Israel was tased and apparently dead, the cops were laughing and "high-five-ing" each other.

Contribution le : 11/08/2013 19:20

 0  #2
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 21/12/2012 22:54
Post(s): 206
2) DJP

Contribution le : 11/08/2013 23:23

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