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 0  #21
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 05/12/2009 15:52
Post(s): 13020
Karma: 2507
@Poum: Ah les malheurs d'un internet lent 😞

PPF: Apparemment il va bien selon le pote d'un membre du groupe qui jouait avec Watsky. Chanceux quand même... Sauter les pieds les premiers c'est vraiment con.

Contribution le : 17/11/2013 21:40

 0  #22
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 16/05/2008 19:57
Post(s): 2433
Karma: 386
bon manière de faire parler de son groupe aurait du mourrir çà aurait été plus fort au niveau com.

Contribution le : 17/11/2013 21:52

 0  #23
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 24/01/2011 14:33
Post(s): 8308
Karma: 1036

Contribution le : 17/11/2013 21:57

 0  #24

Contribution le : 18/11/2013 00:53

 0  #25
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 02/12/2007 22:32
Post(s): 6538
Karma: 99
Tu peux développer Kerabera ?

Je kiffe bien ce qu'il fait, perso, vraiment. C'est assez frais, variable, j'aime son élocution, j'aime beaucoup de choses en fait.

Sans trop le suivre ni le connaitre, c'est le genre qui m'étonne à faire une connerie pareille, bien imbibé peut être... Dommage, ça ternira son image, et c'est mérité, il est naze pour le coup.

Contribution le : 18/11/2013 00:59

 0  #26
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 05/04/2007 11:48
Post(s): 8186
Karma: 1339
Je ne connaissais pas le groupe, alors effectivement ça leur fait pas mal de com.
Mais je n'irai pas écouter.
Les stars au tempérament auto-destructeur qui n'en ont rien à foutre de blesser leur propre public, très peu pour moi!

Edit: après un rapide passage sur la page facebook, ses fans sont déchaînés, en admiration totale devant son geste. Lamentable.

Contribution le : 18/11/2013 01:21

 0  #27
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 03/01/2009 22:35
Post(s): 870
Karma: 95
Vu sur son facebook :

Citation :
This is news to some, but many of you may have heard about the incident today at Warped Tour London. I jumped off an extremely tall lighting tress during my last song, and was taken to the hospital for examination. I was released, and I'm fine, besides some nicks, bruises, and the shame of endangering the crowd. The fall broke a girl's arm and hurt another guy. My tour manager Nils and I stayed at the hospital for 6 hours til the visiting period ended, and all I know about the man's condition at this point is that he has no breaks and the injury seems to be muscular/ bruising. I'll be going back in the morning to try to apologize, but I wouldn't blame the guy if he spits in my face. The jump was not awesome, it was not badass, and it was not ballsy. It turned what should have been a great day for the people who got hurt into a nightmare. It was stupid and wildly irresponsible, plain and simple.

I have no excuse for my actions, and the only way I can explain my mindset is that it was a huge overreach in the heat of the moment. No, I was not drunk or on drugs. I used to be a kid who was afraid to do anything physically dangerous-- I was scared of the ball in little league, didn't want to jump into lakes and would never have had the nerve to crowdsurf. But in the last year of touring, I've done increasingly risky things, maybe pushing myself by some dumb sense I am conquering my early timidity. I pride myself on trying to put on a good show and always giving 100% energy, but jumping off some high shit doesn't make someone a good musician or performer. I feel fucking terrible. I made a boneheaded decision that got people hurt, and it's extremely lucky it wasn't worse. Putting your own body on the line is one thing, but putting other people in harm's way is inexcusable. Today I let down my supporters, I let down the Warped Tour and I let down my band and the people who work their asses off behind the scenes to make these shows happen. My #1 priority right now is to somehow make this right for the folks who were hurt.

I will not be canceling the remaining 6 tour dates. I will do the shows, as usual I will meet everyone afterwards, and I will NOT be jumping off anything. I am deeply sorry and I promise to learn from this mistake.

Je l'aime bien ce type. 🙂

Contribution le : 18/11/2013 07:25

 0  #28
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 05/12/2009 15:52
Post(s): 13020
Karma: 2507
Bonne excuse. En espérant que ça ne bloque pas trop sa carrière.

Contribution le : 18/11/2013 12:06

 0  #29
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 11/10/2013 18:48
Post(s): 4248
Nan mais genre quand je dis qu'il a du courage, par exemple moi j'aurais pas fait, ou alors avec une bonne grosse dose d'alcool dans le sang 😃.
Donc conclusion il a du courage ou c'est ouf (C'es un casse cou comme disent ceux de l'ancien temps)
Ou bien il est torché

Contribution le : 18/11/2013 18:25

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