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 0  #21
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/10/2009 17:27
Post(s): 1580
Citation :

@theDaftDev a écrit:
Citation :

@ViralVideos a écrit:
The Girl has Skills!

This is a french speaking forum I believe :c

No, seriously we don't care about that. Thanks for the share.

EDIT: But sometimes it would be nice if we could have a description of the video.

Contribution le : 28/02/2015 18:59

 0  #22
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 25/06/2014 10:55
Post(s): 2061
Karma: 162
Citation :

@fulgrip a écrit:
Citation :

@ViralVideos a écrit:
The why all the english speaking videos on this site?

Wow your english is also come of google traduction ?

there are not really a lot english vidéo on this site

But everyone troll you xD

Wow, toi t'es magnifique, j'espère que c'était fait expres hahaha

Contribution le : 28/02/2015 19:07

 0  #23
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 20/11/2013 20:06
Post(s): 158
Citation :

@Leroideslames a écrit:
Citation :

@fulgrip a écrit:
Citation :

@ViralVideos a écrit:
The why all the english speaking videos on this site?

Wow your english is also come of google traduction ?

there are not really a lot english vidéo on this site

But everyone troll you xD

Wow, toi t'es magnifique, j'espère que c'était fait expres hahaha

C'est le but d'un troll non ?

la dernière phrase était pas obvious ?

Contribution le : 28/02/2015 19:57

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