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Conductor, we have a problem (pétage de câble dans le métro)
 1  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 06/08/2007 19:05
Post(s): 4008
Karma: 2082
Un gars pete un cable dans le metro de Washington.

Plus d'info:
Citation :
No response from the WMATA Emergency Call box when another rider (The man in the yellow Whole Foods shirt at 0:52 in the video!) pretended to reach for a gun. Anyone that knows this man, please come forward.
When I tried to call the conductor using the Emergency Call Box, NO action was taken by WMATA. How many times does someone (in need!) need to press this damn button?! What the Hell does the button do?! Does opening the door help?!
Ultimately, the other riders tried to get ME off the train, then a guy, the African American gentleman with the hooodie and gloves (Seen at 0:38), grabbed my phone from my hand, and stepped off the train. HE chucked it under the train when I tackled him, and wouldn't let go until the police arrived. He spent the night in jail, and I'm awaiting further prosecution of him.
At some point, I got punched in the right ear, which bled. Tonight, it continues to throb. The transit police sent pics to me of it.
I sat in the Metro station in hand-cuffs and had to go to two different WMATA transit police stations to upload my video to their computers.
I will say that the WMATA Transit Police are a GREAT bunch! They even refused to cuff me when I requested the first time, (such that everything could be sorted properly) Later, they finally obliged.
Anyway, I hope this pulls back the curtain as to how vulnerable we really are on our own subway system.

Apparemment, il suspectait l'homme en jaune d'avoir une arme sur lui, il a donc essayé de contacter le conducteur depuis la boite d'appel d'urgence. Mais il pête carrement un cable et va affoler toute la rame.

Contribution le : 12/12/2015 04:21

 0  #2
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 12/01/2007 20:35
Post(s): 5904
Karma: 595
Le pire c'est que le mec qui pose problème qui filme, c'est pas souvent haha

Contribution le : 12/12/2015 06:29

 0  #3
Serial Locker
Inscrit: 22/01/2007 23:42
Post(s): 19074
Karma: 5714

Contribution le : 12/12/2015 09:04

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