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Une moto neige sur un lac gelé va couler (vu par un drone)
 5  #1
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 07/07/2008 12:56
Post(s): 26241
Karma: 13552
Février 2017 - Une moto neige sur un lac gelé va couler (vu par un drone)

Snowmobile goes through ice! Caught on drone!


Contribution le : 28/02/2018 22:00

 0  #2
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 04/01/2006 18:09
Post(s): 6861
Karma: 4350

Euh... Le type s'en est sorti?

Contribution le : 28/02/2018 22:39

 2  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 07/07/2008 12:56
Post(s): 26241
Karma: 13552
@365wanda Oui il s'en est sorti

Le commentaire qui semble officiel sur youtube :
Citation :
To clarify things. I was flying the drone, the drone belongs to my friend who was driving the snowmobile. I did object to him driving on the ice that day. He at least had 2 screwdrivers and was wearing a life jacket. This was not staged, but it wasn't completely unexpected either. When I saw him go through I had to call 911, I edited that part of the video, I was also getting the rope ready, which is why you can see I had trouble finding him again for a second, I had just left the drone hovering when I was doing all that. It was my friends instructions that if he went in to get the drone back. I wish I would've set it down on the ice so you could have seen the part where I came flying up on the grass in my car, tied a garden hose, extension cord, and rope together and threw it out close to him. He was finally able to get on solid ice and pull himself out, by that time the fire dept, police and ems were already there, we pulled him back across the ice and got him on shore. So no i'm not a dick or a bad pilot. Here's proof: I piloted that and edited that video with my friend driving the go-kart

Contribution le : 28/02/2018 22:43

 0  #4
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 11/07/2011 17:36
Post(s): 1800
Karma: 486
Je suis déçu le pilote se décide à aller ranger son drône alors que le type n'a pas fini de se noyer.

Contribution le : 28/02/2018 23:00

 0  #5
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 17/07/2013 15:46
Post(s): 2110
Karma: 978
Sont cons ! Suffit de regarder fréquemment Koreus pour voir des dizaines de gars commettre la même erreur !

Contribution le : 01/03/2018 18:31

 1  #6
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 24/01/2008 11:07
Post(s): 1174
Karma: 1768

Contribution le : 01/03/2018 18:43

 0  #7
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 27/07/2013 12:42
Post(s): 5076
Karma: 1388
Ça se voit pourtant bien que la glace ne supporterait pas le poids.

Contribution le : 02/03/2018 01:08

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