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Le seigneur des anneaux en 8 minutes + Un son que l'on ressent + Pansement invisible
 0  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 29/08/2012 18:21
Post(s): 3288

Description V.O :
The SubPac is a wearable audio technology, favored by electronic music legend Richie Hawtin, that allows you to experience music in its fullness, extending the emotional impact of the live show. In Episode 1 of The Concepts, the SubPac team explains how their audio technology allows people to feel inaudible frequencies and how tactile sound can be used to keep people safe.

To learn more about the future of wearables, the Intel Make It Wearable Challenge and how to submit for the Development Track (opens May 13, 2014) or Visionary Track (open until June 15, 2014), click here:

Contribution le : 25/05/2014 22:43

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 29/07/2008 00:26
Post(s): 18987
Karma: 29851
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Contribution le : 25/05/2014 23:00

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