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La police tue deux chiens en rentrant par effraction chez une famille innocente
 0  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 29/08/2012 18:21
Post(s): 3288

Description V.O :

ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FL -- An innocent Florida family was terrorized by police who broke into their bedroom at 10:30 PM on Tuesday and opened fire on their pet dogs.

Police were searching the area for a person of interest. Without any evidence or a warrant, they decided to climb into the home of Cristina Moses and her fiance Travis Nicholas, right through a bedroom window.

The couple was awoken to the sound of intruders in their home -- at least six of them -- and were quickly dragged from their bedroom and into the hallway. Guns were aimed at them and they had boots placed on their backs.

"The cops threw Cristina on the ground, cussing," Nicholas said. "It was obvious that I'm not armed because I'm in my boxers."

Then the couple witnessed their two dogs get shot by police. Police claim that an officer was bitten, but the couple says they witnessed it clearly and their story contradicts the officers'.

"I'm in the doorway so I can see into the bedroom, and I see him shooting across the bed ... to my dogs that are on the opposite side of a queen-sized bed," Moses said. "I heard five shots go off. Around the third shot, I hopped up and I went 'No stop. No.' And he continued to fire a couple more shots after that," she said.

Moses was then detained in a patrol car for more than an hour because she "wouldn't shut up."

"All I did was keep asking if they could tell me what happened to my dogs," she said. "All they said was 'We'll take care of that later.'"

"Deputies entered the house through the open window in an effort to locate the suspect and to assure the safety of the occupants," says the police press release.

One dog had to be euthanized because of its injuries, the other survived with a leg wound.


Contribution le : 09/08/2013 23:58

 0  #2
when I want to watch a video in english without subtitle and with a description in engligh, I go on an english website.

ps : according to you, it's maybe a troll

Contribution le : 10/08/2013 00:11

 0  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 18/09/2008 21:28
Post(s): 13825
Karma: 5584
Techniquement, si on voit le chien gambader, il n'est pas mort.

D'ailleurs "shot" veut dire qu'on leur a tiré dessus, mais pas nécessairement qu'on les a tué.

Et pour finir "One dog had to be euthanized because of its injuries, the other survived with a leg wound." veut dire que l'un des chien a dû être euthanasié et que l'autre s'en est sorti.

Conclusion: Soit tu ne regardes pas les vidéos que tu postes, soit tu ne lis pas les textes que tu copies/colles, soit les deux à la fois.

Contribution le : 10/08/2013 00:33

 0  #4
Citation :

Leviatan a écrit:
Techniquement, si on voit le chien gambader, il n'est pas mort.

D'ailleurs "shot" veut dire qu'on leur a tiré dessus, mais pas nécessairement qu'on les a tué.

Et pour finir "One dog had to be euthanized because of its injuries, the other survived with a leg wound." veut dire que l'un des chien a dû être euthanasié et que l'autre s'en est sorti.

Conclusion: Soit tu ne regardes pas les vidéos que tu postes, soit tu ne lis pas les textes que tu copies/colles, soit les deux à la fois.


Contribution le : 10/08/2013 00:40

 0  #5
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 29/08/2012 18:21
Post(s): 3288
Ouai j'ai traduit à la va-vite le "shot" par tue mais effectivement ils expliquent qu'un seul des chiens a dut être euthanasié à la suite de ses blessures et que l'autre survivrait avec une blessure à la jambe 🙂.

Citation :

suzie88 a écrit:
ps : according to you, it's maybe a troll

It may be a troll.

Edit : Petite confession, j'ai été obligé de passer la vidéo par petits bouts parce que je suis en train d'utiliser toute ma bande passante pour un autre projet (et j'en ai pas bcp 299 ko/sec max).

Contribution le : 10/08/2013 01:22

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