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Plonger dans la neige + Panier à la dernière seconde
 1  #1
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 29/05/2018 23:33
Post(s): 1694
Karma: 4722

Michael Boytim - Alexis Knepp put Mo Valley up by two with under 5 seconds left. Homer-Center inbounded it and got it to halfcourt before it was granted a timeout with 0.4 left. The refs added some time and put 1.6 seconds left. Faith Buggey got the inbounds, dribbled twice and this counted.

Contribution le : 26/02/2019 18:53

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 08/01/2009 15:53
Post(s): 15305
Karma: 5462
1/ La neige est si chaude que ça, qu'ils sont tous à loilpé pour se rouler dedans ?

Contribution le : 26/02/2019 19:00

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