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Black Box [Eyezmaze]
 0  #1
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 22/05/2006 17:15
Post(s): 129
Nouveau jeu de Eyezmaze (auteur de la série des "Grow")

Au départ, un boîte noire... à l'arrivée, surprise!

Seuls 68 niveaux sont gratuits sur les 120 disponibles.
au niveau 22, saisir le mot de passe: "hirake-goma".

Black Box

Via :)

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 21:37

 0  #2
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/12/2007 23:16
Post(s): 4534
Je test, ça semble sympa.

Edit : Fini, vraiment sympa.

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 21:44

Edité par Soraliste sur 14/7/2012 19:05:07

 0  #3
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 22/05/2006 17:15
Post(s): 129
c'est très sympa 😎
rien que les bruitages j'adore!

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 21:51

 0  #4
Bloqué lvl 27 😞

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 22:16

 0  #5
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/04/2012 20:30
Post(s): 1599
Très sympa comme jeu !! 🙂 J'ai du m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois pour avancer.

Par contre après le niveau 68, on est bloqué et ça, c'est moche.

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 22:19

 0  #6
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 08/01/2009 23:04
Post(s): 1429
Déçu que ça soit payant 😕

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 22:30

 0  #7
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 13/01/2010 00:17
Post(s): 744
Oui, ça coûte 1 dollar pour aller au-delà de la moitié du jeu.

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 22:47

 0  #8
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/03/2007 15:26
Post(s): 1700
bloqué niveau 26 pour ma part

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 23:22

 0  #9
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 01/07/2012 00:53
Post(s): 90
quelquun sait comment ca marche pour le code a faire sur le front du truc?

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 23:26

 0  #10
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 26/11/2005 17:41
Post(s): 47800
Karma: 25775
Vraiment sympa ce jeu. 🙂

Citation :

hituu a écrit:
quelquun sait comment ca marche pour le code a faire sur le front du truc?

Suis les flèches et écoutes le son. 😉

Contribution le : 13/07/2012 23:44

 0  #11
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 03/01/2012 20:57
Post(s): 215
voici le code a rentrer pour allez au bout, avec les 3 point d'exclamation bien sur.


bon vent

Contribution le : 14/07/2012 13:46

 0  #12
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 18/09/2008 21:28
Post(s): 13825
Karma: 5584
Bloqué au niveau 27 aussi.
Faut faire un truc avec le code sur son front mais je ne trouve pas quoi.
Et l'indice "écoute le son" c'est pas très utile.

Edit: C'est bon j'ai trouvé un walkthrough, il ne fallait pas encore toucher à ce code.
Pour ceux qui veulent la solution:
Citation :
1) Click the black box to make the "head" appear.

2) Open one of the head's black eyes with a click, then press the button within. Repeat on the other side. This will make the mouth appear.

3) Click and hold on the mouth until it flashes, then release. It may take a few tries.

4) Click the key to unlock a bunch of things.

5) If you look close, you'll see two small dark stick-things near the top of the head, just below the "horns". Click them to slide them down.

6) Click any featureless part of the head and two arrows will appear; move the mouse in either direction to tip the head, spilling tubes and wires out of one side. Repeat in the other direction.

7) Click one of the head's "horns" to make it fold onto the side of the head, becoming a "wing".

😎 Take the coin and put it in the slot in the forehead, then turn the crank to dispense a ball.

9) Click the ball to reveal a piece, then attach that piece to the "wing" you folded down a moment ago.

10) Repeat the above three steps with the other "horn".

11) Click and hold the top of the head for a bit, then release to make a pump pop out. Click and hold the pump until it clicks to inflate two balloons on the "wings", then release.

12) Repeat the previous step until the balloons lift up the entire construction.

13) Click the top of the head where the pump was to reveal three rods.

14) Click and hold the stick the head is now sitting on top of for a moment, then release.

15) Put the three rods in their respective slots in the wings. You're supposed to figure this one out with observational trial and error, but I'll just tell you: the rod with the spokes in the middle goes in the rightmost slot, the rod with the ellipse goes in the leftmost slot, and the rod with screw threads on either end goes through the right wing.

16) Take the coin and put it in the coin slot, then turn the crank again to dispense a third ball.

17) The coin slot came loose! Take it and throw it into the mouth to turn it into a bag of dirt.

18) Break open the ball to reveal a fishbowl.

19) Dump the bag's contents into the fishbowl.

20) Mouse over a spot on the lower right corner of the head and a red object will appear. Drag and drop it into the fishbowl.

21) Another, similar spot on the lower left corner of the head will reveal a drop of water. Put that in the fishbowl as well.

22) A plant will grow. Click the bulb of green leaves to get rid of it and reveal a little red bomb-imp-thingy.

23) Pick up the fishbowl and stick it under the lower-left rod you placed earlier.

24) The mouth will open up again. Throw in the red bomb-imp-thingy and watch things happen.

25) Mouse over the dial where the coin slot was. A partial combination will appear above: left means counterclockwise, right means clockwise. Turn the dial to the first symbol as instructed and note the sound you hear when you land on it. Figure out the rest of the combination by turning the dial and listening.

26) The "head" now has a bear head... and a white tile appears! Click the white tile.

27) A jigsaw puzzle! I can't help you much here. Just solve the puzzle. Pieces will lock in once properly placed and oriented. Click two pieces to swap them, and double-click one piece to rotate it.

28) When you're done, the bear and landscape will be changed drastically. There's a lot new to click on, and you can do the below steps in a variety of orders, but I'll just walk you through one.

29) Push the red button on the bear's forehead, then time it just right and push the button again when the bear's head is upright. This will reveal a clock-like dial.

30) Note the two white clouds under the sun. Click the left cloud to make it rain.

31) Pick up the egg and hold it close to the sun; be careful not to let it touch the jet engines' fire. You want to hold the egg close to the sun until it turns yellow and flashes, then quickly pull it away and put it back in the nest so it can hatch. It'll probably take a few tries.

32) Click the left white cloud again and you'll water the plant.

33) Mouse over the moon (upper right) to see the solution for the clock dial. Click the orange and yellow spheres on the clock to set them appropriately.

34) Take the dark segment from the moon and throw it into the "mouth". You'll get an ark.

35) Hang the ark on the spokes just above the black box.

Click the left white cloud a third time to make an apple grow on the tree.

36) Note how the spokes on the wheel above the bear look like the tree. Put the apple on one of them and watch what happens.

37) The animal that hatched from the egg likes apples! Put it in the center of the wheel and watch things get much more festive.

38) Take the lightning bolt from the green gear and put it on the right white cloud.

39) Click the right white cloud to power the battery on the left wing.

39) Open the light hatch to the left of the bear head.

40) Click the white face until it looks like a power socket (surprised face).

41) Click the black power cord to plug it in. You might then need to click the right white cloud again to reenergize the battery.

42) The music has started! When the yinyang symbol appears in the center of the clock, click it.

43) C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !! Watch the animation. You can also mouse over the monitor on the right wing and click the arrows to change the music.

Contribution le : 14/07/2012 14:09

 0  #13
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/04/2012 20:30
Post(s): 1599
Si !

tournes vers la gauche et tu verras, au bout d'un moment il y a un bruit différent, changes de sens et ainsi de suite.

Moi je suis bloqué au niveau 91 😞

Edit : J'ai finalement réussi à aller au bout ! :banane: :banane:

Contribution le : 14/07/2012 14:32

 0  #14
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 25/07/2011 02:41
Post(s): 392
Terminé moi aussi j'ai eu aussi beaucoup de mal au niv.91 et merçi pour ceux qui ont trouvé les mot de passe

Contribution le : 14/07/2012 17:11

 0  #15
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 02/09/2007 16:49
Post(s): 2883
Karma: 164
Citation :

condescendance a écrit:
voici le code a rentrer pour allez au bout, avec les 3 point d'exclamation bien sur.


bon vent

C'est moi qui hallucine ou personne ne t as remercié sur l'action ? Merci en tous cas !

Et sinon, Je suis bloqué au 73...

edit : ok c est bon 😉 FINI ! il est top ce jeu 😉

Contribution le : 14/07/2012 17:58

 0  #16
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 27/04/2005 15:31
Post(s): 7077
Citation :
I apologize for keeping you waiting for the new game.
I was trying to develop long game scenario , but I overdid it and have been low in funds.
Somehow or other I'll finish new game,but I puzzle over both complicated new game script and money for it.
Therefore,I'd like to ask for small tips.
If there are anyone who hope to play the next new game.

So this is a mini thank-you game in return for a contribution.

I'm sorry I am also consuming too much time to make this mini game.
I knew I was making a small gift,but I was really into it.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.

C'est si dramatique qu'un développeur indépendant (visiblement) demande une petite participation aux frais pour lui permettre de se consacrer à plein temps dans des jeux auxquels il travaille depuis dix ans déjà et que tout le monde trouve "sympa" ou "top" ?
Tellement dramatique qu'on se mobilise pour contourner sa requête et gratter un malheureux dollar... c'est désolant.
On est moins regardants quand il s'agit d'engraisser Apple.

Contribution le : 14/07/2012 20:01

 0  #17
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 14/07/2007 17:54
Post(s): 4121
Citation :

eider a écrit:
C'est si dramatique qu'un développeur indépendant (visiblement) demande une petite participation aux frais pour lui permettre de se consacrer à plein temps dans des jeux auxquels il travaille depuis dix ans déjà et que tout le monde trouve "sympa" ou "top" ?
Tellement dramatique qu'on se mobilise pour contourner sa requête et gratter un malheureux dollar... c'est désolant.
On est moins regardants quand il s'agit d'engraisser Apple.

Je vais donner un gros +1. Le monde à l'envers.

Contribution le : 14/07/2012 23:20

 0  #18
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 03/04/2012 01:01
Post(s): 155
Karma: 181
Pareil. J'ai payé pour le code et j'en suis fier!

Et bloqué au 91...

[edit]: fini 🙂

Contribution le : 16/07/2012 14:22

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