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How to Crash the Super Bowl without a Ticket
 0  #1
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 01/07/2012 00:53
Post(s): 90
Matt Mills explique comment il a put rentrer dans le stade sans ticket

extrait du "live"

Contribution le : 09/02/2014 17:59

 0  #2
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 05/04/2007 11:48
Post(s): 8183
Karma: 1336
L'histoire de son entrée sans ticket est intéressante, mais le but l'est beaucoup moins. C'est le cousin américain de psy22 qui manifeste contre la version officielle du 11 septembre !

Contribution le : 09/02/2014 18:06

 0  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 05/12/2009 15:52
Post(s): 13020
Karma: 2507
Les commentaires 😃 "Anyway, I can at least tell you that the second plane was CGI, that we know."

Contribution le : 09/02/2014 18:11

 0  #4
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 31/07/2007 12:56
Post(s): 2103
Karma: 64
CGI pour Common Gateway Interface ?

Contribution le : 09/02/2014 18:18

 0  #5
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 01/07/2012 00:53
Post(s): 90
Citation :

@-Ninja- a écrit:
Les commentaires 😃 "Anyway, I can at least tell you that the second plane was CGI, that we know."

un autre commentaire 😃 " was setup and planned for years by the US goverment. im just saying that the planes did hit the buildings and it was full of people. thats all."

et CGI Computer-Generated Imagery image de synthese quoi

Contribution le : 09/02/2014 18:30

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